“I have rewritten – often several times – every word I have ever written. My pencils outlast their erasers.” —Vladmir Nabokov


    The first edition of A Sense of the World contained twenty period illustrations, but no maps. I’ve since drawn up a set of maps, and they’ve been included in subsequent editions. If you don’t have them already, they’re here for your perusal.

    (click on an image to open the corresponding full map in a new window)

    The First Journey


    Siberia & Captivity 


    The Circumnavigation


    The Undrawn Fourth Map 

    A vast portion of Holman’s travels cannot be charted, as his particular routes have not been recorded in surviving documents. However, much of the latter part of his life was spent in almost constant motion. As I state in A Sense of the World, “One must take a map of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, and reduce it to a mass of scribbles.” For a textual catalog of his destinations during this period, please see documentation.